Bella vs. Piper's Role Reversal

ballgag, belts, cage, elbowcinch, stuck, tricked

Bella vs. Piper's Role Reversal

Piper had been bothering Bella all morning. After an hour, she decided to take matters into her own hand and tie Piper up hoping she’d have to leave her alone. Piper is relentless and even with her elbows cinched behind her back and gagged, still manages to pester Bella. Frustrated, Bella retreats to the cage to get away from her. As the door shuts, Piper tries to warn her that the power is on but it’s too late. With Bella locked inside and PIper tied up outside, they will need to work together to get free. One thing is for sure, one of them will get the short end of the stick.

Bella Ink vs. Her Breaking Point

belts, forcedorgasm, nudity, orgasms, panelgag, restraint-bed, strict, tickling

Bella Ink vs. Her Breaking Point

It had been a while since Bella had stopped by and was curious when she saw some new furniture. Since showing is always better than telling, she’s stripped down and strapped to the platform. Only then do I show her how some of the attachments work. Incapable of even struggling, she knows her fate is sealed. Watching Bella hopelessly fight against the magic wand never gets old, but that wasn’t enough. To really put her bondage to the test, she’s tickled relentlessly. It’s a wonder she can even catch her breath.

Sarah vs. Bella's Betrayal

chains, dialog, magicwand, orgasmdenial, panelgag, spreadeagle, tricked

Sarah vs. Bella's Betrayal

Both Bella and Sarah applied for the same job and were both set to interview the next day. In spite of them both being close friends, they both really wanted this job. When the next morning came around, Bella made sure Sarah wouldn’t be going to the interview. She even set a wakeup message to explain her predicament. Showing some compassion, she rigged a magic wand on a timer to keep Sarah entertained for a few hours. With it only set to low all it manages to do is frustrate Sarah and leave her right on the edge. Bound with chains to all four corners of the bed, she’s won’t be escaping anytime soon.

Bella & Piper vs. The Escape Room

belts, chains, chairtie, challenge, collar, dialog, escaping, handcuffs, insect hood, tapegag

Bella & Piper vs. The Escape Room

After seeing an ad online for a new kinky escape room Bella and Piper couldn’t wait to try it out. Having done a few in the past, they were excited to see how this one would be different. During orientation, they learned the rules were simple. They would both be tied up and would need to work together to get free. Once their team had them tied up Bella finds herself hooded and unable to see. Piper can see, but is unable to speak through her tape gag. Without Bella’s help, Piper has no way to escape. Likewise, Bella can’t free herself from the wall without Piper telling her the code. If Piper can’t solve the problem in front of her, neither have a chance of escape anytime soon!

Bella Ink vs. Her Cold Escape

chains, elbowcinch, escaping, ice, nudity, predicament, rigging, tapebondage, tapegag

Bella Ink vs. Her Cold Escape

Coming from a climate where 70 degrees (21℃) is considered cold, her tolerance to it is near zero. After securing Bella’s elbows, legs, and mouth with tape, I let her know I had a special surprise. For the last hour I had a pile of chains sitting outside in a snowbank. Now piled all around her, she’ll need to brave touching the chains to get the scissors across the room. Even if she waits until they reach room temperature, it won’t help her situation much. Bella has no choice but to brave the cold on her bare skin.