Makenzie vs. The Vetwrap Vibe

ballgag, forcedorgasm, orgasms, tickling, vetwrap, vibrator

Makenzie vs. The Vetwrap Vibe

If you ever wanted an example of how powerful the Hitachi can be, look no further than Makenzie. New to modeling and never been tied up before she was full of butterflies when she walked into my studio. I wrapped her forearms in pink vetwrap and wrapped her legs into a frogtie. I love vetwrap for newbies because it offers the illusion of freedom. It feels flimsy, but they're not getting free! I let her struggle for a few minutes before giving her another first, the Hitachi. Instantly the low setting consumes her and leaves her twitching. Unable to help myself I soon kick it onto high and wrap her knees together pressing it harder against her pussy putting her into overdrive.

Raquel vs. The Rubber Spread

rubberbands, spreadeagle

Raquel vs. The Rubber Spread

For quite a while now I've been a big fan of rubber bands. They can restrain, cause pain and can be exhausting to any sub. I decided to give Raquel a simple taste and spread her across my bed with only one job... try and get free. As she struggled I could see her efforts slowly wain as her muscles fatigued. Before long I didn't even need the ropes, she couldn't even lift her arms.

Amy vs. The Trash Bags

electricity, mummification, nudity, tapegag, trashbags

Amy vs. The Trash Bags

Having worked with Amy (A6M6Y6) for a while there is one thing I knew for sure, she knows how to struggle. With a fresh box of trash bags and 3" electrical tape she wasn't going anywhere. I let her wrestle with her situation for a while before adding a sound sensitive TENS box. Soon every crinkle and movement was shooting jolts into her body.

JEM vs. The Ceiling Hook

elbowcinch, nudity, strappado, vetwrap

JEM vs. The Ceiling Hook

Sometimes it's the simple things that work best. A simple roll of vetwrap, 15 feet of rope and a ceiling hook and JEM was stuck. For almost 10 minutes I watched her prance around the room trying to get free but having no luck. The wonderful thing about vetwrap is despite all her struggling it just pulls those elbows back together, nice and tight!

Viorica vs. The Mummy Escape


Viorica vs. The Mummy Escape

It all started innocent enough; just a friendly chat about different ties. Mummification came up and Viorica admitted that she's always wanted to be wrapped up tight. I brought out the pallet wrap and started at her feet. She requested I take it a little easy since it was her first time. Had I known it was all a ploy things would have been different. Things WILL be different... next time!